At The Portable Ballet Barre

What about the rest of us? While ballet any time in life is a healthy way to improve one's physical condition, probably most of us aren't going to take it...

At The Portable Ballet Barre

From novice to professional dancer, the ballet barre is the place to be. The barre is where centering, core strength, balance and muscle strengthening happen. Barre work is especially important to a ballet dancer but it is also valuable to dancers of any style.

What about the rest of us? While ballet any time in life is a healthy way to improve one's physical condition, probably most of us aren't going to take it up later in life. However, a portable ballet barre can be a great tool for anyone who needs to rebuild muscle strength due to a healing injury, surgery or illness. Doctors often recommend ballet barre exercises for recovering patients.

A barre has so many uses outside of dance. Along with aiding muscle recovery, a barre is excellent for stretching and toning at home. There are quick and easy barre exercise programs on the Internet for anyone. It doesn’t take much research to find one just right for you.

Seniors especially benefit from barre exercise and doctors often recommend it for them. They can regain flexibility, mobility and balance. Doctors know ballet barre exercise can provide all three along with improving muscle strength. Online there are barre videos geared toward seniors.  

Barre exercise will also aid in weight loss if you are trying to lose some extra pounds. Put on your favorite music and you can burn fat at the ballet barre!

Portable barres come in several sizes and fit close to any wall for storage. Just pull it out when you need it. Our portable ballet barres are made with steel for sturdiness, stability and durability. Even just for stretching into better flexibility, our portable barres will aid your success better than any other method you could utilize. You can easily contact us for more information.

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